Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Thank you!

A big thanks to all of those who participated in the first Bike for Mike in Watsontown this past weekend.  There have already been a few requests to do it again next year so please keep it in mind for next September.  If you participated in the event on Saturday and provided me with an email address, I will be emailing you the final results soon.

Thanks again for your support!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The bike ride is almost here!

The shirts are here and everything is almost ready.  Bike for Mike will kick off this Saturday morning.  Please come support a great cause! 

The 10 mile bicycle ride starts at 9 am at the Watsontown Elementary School.  The course will consist of one big loop that goes in and around Watsontown.  There will be three water stops throughout the course.  There will also be refreshments waiting for you at the end of the bike ride. 

Thanks to some of our sponsors, we will also be having a small raffle at the end of the ride.

All proceeds will go to the DJD Fight on Foundation which supports local families who are dealing with significant medical expenses.

Hope to see you Saturday!